Why did we choose Solana?

News/10 Jul 2022/ 52
Why did we choose Solana?

The blockchain network we chose for our project is Solana. The main reasons are: the high transaction capacity that the network provides and the growing ecosystem with many projects that include portfolios, stable coins, NFT and decentralized financial applications. The creation and demand for NFTs under Solana is becoming increasingly popular due to the low fees that reach the end user. The largest market for irreplaceable tokens (NFTs) Opensea has also started the integration of Solana NFTs.

This network is also considered the fastest blockchain technology with an average transaction cost of $ 0.00025. It should also be noted that Solana is supported by cryptocurrency investor Sam Bankman-Freud, who is the CEO of one of the world's largest cryptocurrencies FTX. The SOL cryptocurrency associated with this network is in the top 10 with a total capitalization of over USD 15 billion. Solana is also one of the main organizations developing Web3. It is a third-generation blockchain-based Internet that will provide users with an easy-to-use, secure, and better-organized environment.

Here you can find additional information from independent sources related to the future development of Solana: dailyhodl.comambcrypto.com