NFT Credo with special package offers

News/21 Nov 2022/ 80
NFT Credo with special package offers

The only platform of its kind in our country for irreplaceable tokens and physical collectibles with a cause - NFT Credo, launched offers at promotional prices. Bundle offers include NFT collection of 10 series ('Black', 'Blue', 'Graphite', 'Gold', 'Green', 'Azure', 'Amber', 'Ivory', 'Purple', 'Aquamarine'), as well as a pure silver jubilee medal.

Nasko Sirakov's 60th anniversary offer can be taken at a promo price with a -20% discount, and quantities are highly limited. Full information on both the blockchain products offered and the sale of silverware can be found at

Today, free access to the NFT-series “Blue” is unlocked, and anyone can acquire an irreplaceable token and store it in their digital wallet. Over the weekend, silver medal No. 13 with the face of Nasko Sirakov was successfully auctioned, and a bidder was lucky enough to acquire it for the sum of BGN 1,000. Two new auctions for medals No. 14 and No. 16 are starting today at the same starting price. and anyone interested can participate in the online auction.